Determination of the Boundaries of Changes in External Parameters that Complicate the Calculation of the Suspension of Agricultural Machinery

  • Никита Алексеевич Пеньков Military Research and Training Center of the Air Force Military Air Academy named after Prof. N.E. Zhukovsky
  • Сергей Юрьевич Жачкин Воронежский государственный технический университет
  • Анатолий Иванович Завражнов Michurin State Agrarian University
Keywords: main components of the stress tensor, deformations, diagrams, external influence parameters, strength


Introduction. The article deals with the problem of calculating the strength of the shaft of the wheel drive of agricultural machinery. The strength conditions of both the maximum torque and the values of relative deformations of the shaft are taken into account.
Aim of the Article. Of the research is to determine the limits of external influences on a structural element, caused by the distributed weight of the motor-tractor machinery, at which it is necessary to construct not only the torque and strain diagrams, but also to determine the extreme values at each section, where the strength index of the structure is nonlinear.
Materials and Methods. In calculations, the main provisions of continuum mechanics, theory of machines and mechanisms, as well as the basics of design in mechanical engineering are used. Central attention is paid to the influence of external influencing factors on the character of internal force distribution in the shaft.
Results. The obtained area of variation of parameters P-q allows us to determine the necessity of more detailed calculation of strength parameters of the considered part. This is due to the emergence of extreme areas outside the boundaries of individual areas of consideration of the shaft work. The results are presented as a two-dimensional graph of the ratio of external influences, at which the specified effect takes place.
Discussion and Conclusion. In comparison with typical calculations, regulated by normative documents, the proposed algorithm at the preliminary stage allows to determine the cases when nonlinear regions of bending moment changes require additional investigations. The use of the proposed algorithm allows, without resorting to time-consuming numerical methods of calculating the strength indicators of a wheel drive shaft, such as the finite element method, to obtain a more detailed picture of the nature of distribution of internal forces and deformations in the part under study.

Author Biographies

Никита Алексеевич Пеньков, Military Research and Training Center of the Air Force Military Air Academy named after Prof. N.E. Zhukovsky

Dr.Sci. (Engr.), Deputy Head of Research Department MERC AF “AFA”, Military Research and Training Center of the Air Force Military Air Academy named after Prof. N.E. Zhukovsky (54А Bolshevikov St., Voronezh 394064, Russian Federation), ORCID:

Сергей Юрьевич Жачкин, Воронежский государственный технический университет

Dr.Sci. (Engr.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of Automated Equipment of
Machine-Building Production, Voronezh State Technical University (14 Moskovskiy Prospekt, Voronezh
394026, Russian Federation), ORCID:,

Анатолий Иванович Завражнов, Michurin State Agrarian University

Dr.Sci. (Engr.), Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Leading Researcher, Michurin State Agrarian University (101 International St., Michurinsk 394064, Russian Federation),


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