Theoretical Substantiation of the Main Parameters of Axial Devices for Threshing Grass Seeds

Keywords: clover thresher, device for threshing grass seeds, degree of threshing seeds, quality indicators, parameters


Introduction. The review of literature sources has shown that at the moment there are no reliable methods, which theoretically determine the main parameters of axial devices for threshing grass seeds and it is necessary to conduct researches to establish a mathematical relationship between these parameters and quality indicators.
Aim of the Article. The article aim is theoretical substantiation of the dependence of the main parameters of axial devices for threshing grass seeds on the quality requirements to the technological process of threshing grass seeds.
Materials and Methods. A set of priori information about the operation of axial rasp-bar threshers, the analysis of literary sources and own observations of the working process of the clover thresher K-0.3 allowed determining the basic prerequisites to develop an algorithm for solving the task.
Results. As a result of theoretical consideration of the process of moving particles of the processed material in the working space of a drum-deck axial-rotor device for threshing grass seeds, a system of mathematical equations is obtained. The solution of the resulting system of equations makes it possible to determine the average axial velocity of the particles and a number of impacts inflicted by the rasps on them during movement. There is obtained an expression for linking the degree of seed threshing and main parameters of the device such as length, a number of rasps and the direction of their cleats, and the frequency of rotation of the drum.
Discussion and Сonclusion. It was found that the degree of seed threshing significantly depends on both the length of the threshing device and a number of drum rasps and the direction of their cleats. The theoretical dependencies obtained as a result of the study make it possible to determine the main parameters of axial devices for threshing seeds, depending on the requirements imposed on the device.

Author Biographies

Максим Васильевич Симонов, Vyatka State University

Dr.Sci. (Engr.), Professor of the Chair of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Vyatka State University (36 Moskovskaya St., Kirov 610000, Russian Federation), ORCID:, Researcher ID: F-7895-2018, Scopus ID:

Сергей Александрович Плотников, Vyatka State University

Dr.Sci. (Engr.), Professor of the Chair of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Vyatka State University (36 Moskovskaya St., Kirov 610000, Russian Federation), ORCID:, Researcher ID: R-8491-2016, Scopus ID:

Валентин Юрьевич Мокиев, Federal Agricultural Research Center of the North-East

Cand.Sci. (Engr.), Senior Researcher, Federal Agricultural Research Center of the North-East (166a Lenin St., Kirov 610007, Russian Federation), ORCID:, Researcher ID: HSF-7094-2023, Scopus ID:


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Agricultural engineering